Rail Clip’s purpose is to properly transfer the lateral forces from the rail to the plate and the structure, to secure the rail in the lateral direction in order to minimize pad creep and to apply vertical force on the rail so as to compress the seals on the pad.
When a crane wheel passes on a rail it generates what we call a Bow-Wave effect;the rail under the wheel compresses while the rail sections  ahead and behind the wheel rise. ​. These small vertical movements cause cyclical uplift forces on the clips which need to be accommodated with the compression of the rubber nose to minimize fatigue loads on the clip bolts and ensure an optimum and long-lasting rail fastening solution.
It is important to select the right clip for your application to ensure the clip can transfer all the lateral forces that are applied on it. It is even more important to accurately select the right clip upper component and nose height combination to mitigate the effects of the Bow-Wave while applying the correct force on the pad to secure it in place and to properly compress the edge seals.
That is why, to adapt to  over 70 different types of crane rails, we have a wide range of clip uppers and rubber noses for each of our Gantrex RailLok™ Clips.
Contact us for the complete video.